kBot and kerkava for DarkOrbit browsergame
~ best reseller / seller ~
cheaper bot on the market, and the best also
In primul rand iti sugerez sa citesti tot ce scrie pe acest site, iti va lua 5-10 minute !
Daca nu citesti si nu esti informat si imi pui intrebari pe mail fara logica sau la care le gasesti raspunsul pe acest site, nu te mai obosi sa o faci, cauta in alta parte.
STATUS pentru kBot si kerkava, mergi mai jos in aceasta pagina

Copyright 2010 kBOT Reseller.

eXTReMe Tracker
** Cum sa pornesti noile versiuni de kBot si kerkava, click aici (++ VIDEO ) **
Poti face comanda din orice tara esti, daca ai nelamuriri contacteaza-ma (dupa ce citesti cum se poate cumpara, aici).

ATENTIE!! sunt singurul reseller in ROMANIA (sau pt alte tari), daca nu e mailul kbotdarkorbit@yahoo.com la cumparare iti sugerezi sa nu faci nici un pas spre al cumpara.
Sfaturile si trucurile pentru cum sa folosesti botul incat sa eviti banarile sunt doar pentru clientii www.bestbots.ro, nu urca acest document niciunde, risti sa ramai fara licenta.
Nu va lasati prostiti cu boturi crackuite, bigpoint cel putin variabilele cutiilor bonus box le schimba odata la 2 saptamani, un bot care nu isi face UPDATE, e ca si cum intri in capcana lor. Ganditi-va de 10 ori inainte sa ramaneti fara cont!

De ce eu si nu site-ul oficial kbot sau ibot ?
Simplu, daca crezi ca ai conturi cu care poti sa faci plati online si te descurci cu plata sa il cumperi direct pe siteul oficial kbot cu 15 euro + comision tranzactie, chiar te rog sa o faci, nu ma deranjezi.. 5 euro costa deranjul incluzand comisionul tranzactiei, atat cer in plus ca sa iti ofer acelasi kbot de pe siteul oficial (fiind reseller la dansul). De ce nu ibot ? simplu din nou, ibotul costa de 6 ori mai mult ca si kbotul si este exact acelasi bot dar sub alt nume !!!
Pret oficial kbot 15 euro (sunt dealer oficial pe pagina lui)
Pret oficial ibot  100 euro (bifeaza "including galaxy gates" si mergi la pasul final de cumparare)
In plus este cel mai sigur bot de pe piata, doar sa stii cum sa il folosesti, ceea ce vrei primi in pachetul inclus, si multe altele, mai multe detalii ce include pachetul, click aici.

Avem cel mai bun suport pentru toate tarile si anume:
A | Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | All country of ASIA and AFRICA
B | Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belize | Belgium | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Botswana | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi |
C | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | China: Hong Kong | China: Macau | China: Taiwan | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech Republic |
D | Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic |
E | East Timor | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia |
F | Fijii | Finland | France |
G | Gabon | The Gambia | Gaza Strip | Germany | Georgia | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana |
H | Haiti | Holy See (Vatican City) | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary |
I | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland (Eire) | Ireland (Northern) | Israel | Italy |
J | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan |
K | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea, North | Korea, South | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan |
L | Laos - | Latvia - | Lebanon - | Lesotho - | Liberia - | Libya - | Lithuania | Luxembourg - |
M | Macao | Macedonia | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco | Mexico | Mozambique | Myanmar (Burma) |
N | Namibia (1) | Nauru | Nepal (1) | Netherlands (11+5) | New Zealand (10) | Nicaragua | Niger (1) | Nigeria (1) | Norway (4) |
O | Oman (1) |
P | Panama | Peru | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Palau | Poland | Portugal |
Q | Qatar (1) |
R | Romania | Russia | Rwanda |
S | St. Kitts and Nevis - | Saint Lucia - | St. Vincent and the Grenadines - | Samoa (1) | San Marino - | São Tomé and Príncipe - | Saudi Arabia (1) | Senegal (2) | Serbia and Montenegro (2) | Seychelles - | Sierra Leone - | Singapore (4) | Slovakia (2) | Slovenia (2) | Solomon Islands - | Somalia - | South Africa (23) | Spain (3) | Sri Lanka (3) | Sudan (2) | Suriname - | Swaziland (1) | Sweden (10) | Switzerland (10) | Syria - |
T | Taiwan (28) | Tajikistan | Tanzania (2) | Togo | Thailand (2) | Trinidad and Tobago (1) | Tunisia (2) | Turkey (66) | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu |
U | Uganda (2) | Ukraine (8) | United Arab Emirates (1) | United Kingdom (72) | United States of America (317) | Uruguay (2) | Uzbekistan (1) | All country of USA (North America, South America)
V | Venezuela (3) | Vietnam (33) |
W | West Bank (3) | Western Sahara |
Y | Yemen | Yugoslavia now Serbia & Montenegro |
Z | Zaire now Congo, Democratic Republic of | Zambia (1) | Zimbabwe (1) | 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Apasa pe sageata din capatul paginii ca sa vezi toolbar`ul ajutator ! --->>

ATENTIE!! FOLOSESTE BOT CUM TI-A FOST SFATUIT si nu vei avea probleme cu metoda de depistare CAPTCHA.

Pune noul Server JID in control centerul tau: kbotik@jabber.ru



kBot si kerkava sunt ONLINE, incercati de mai multe ori pana va conectati.
Pune noul Server JID in control centerul tau: kbot499@jabber.ru

kBot si kerkava sunt OFFLINE, incercati mai tarziu.
kBot este oprit, asteptati update nou.

kBot si kerkava sunt OFFLINE, asteptati pt siguranta dvs.
kBot si kerkava sunt OFFLINE, s-au facut modificari la joc, asteptati pt siguranta dvs.
kBot este OFFLINE, s-au facut modificari la joc, asteptati pt siguranta dvs.

kBot si kerkava sunt OFFLINE, incercati sa nu faceti spam cu mesaje cand va fi online, aveti rabdare.

kBot este OFFLINE, s-au facut modificari la joc, asteptati pentru siguranta dvs.
kBot USA, GARENA si ASIA, si kerkava este ONLINE

Cine primeste eroarea cu RUNTIME, sterge kbotcc.exe si inlocuieste cu acest kbotcc.exe din kBot 4.91

Cine primeste eroarea cu RUNTIME, instaleaza acest fisier fix_control_center
* you can test the products for 24 hours / se pot testa versiuniile 24 ore *
Download / Descarca last version / ultima versiune:
Kerkava 6.48 ( more info here / mai multe detalii aici )
kOpenStealth 1.34 ( more info here / mai multe detalii aici )
Download / Descarca last version / ultima versiune:
kBot 6.46 ( more info here / mai multe detalii aici )
* limba romana *

In first place I suggest to you to read all I wrote on this website, it will took for you 5-10 minutes !
If you don`t read and you are not informed, and you will ask me noobs questions, questions that already answered on this website, don`t spam me.
STATUS for kBot and kerkava, go a little down o this page
ENGLISH             ROMANA
Acum site-ul are versiunea de limba romana si versiunea de limba engleza, pentru alte limbi poti folosi butonul TRANSLATE din Toolbar-ul de mai jos, sau Google Translate mai sus.

Pentru limba romana navigheaza pe meniul de sus, sau din Toolbar

Daca aveti probleme prima oara cititi acest FAQ sa vezi daca iti gasesti raspunsul, de asemenea consulta si pe forumul nostru.
Now the website has the ROMANIAN language and ENGLISH language, NATIVE languages no google translate, for other languages you can use the button TRANSLATE from down Toolbar or you can use the Google Translate (is up there). We are INTERNATIONAL !!!

For ENGLISH Native language click here.

If you have problems first check FAQ here to see if you find your answer, also you can check our forum.

WARNING!! USE BOT HOW I WAS GIVEN TO YOU THE ADVICE and you will not have problems with CAPTCHA method.

Put new Server JID at your control center: kbotik@jabber.ru


kBot and kerkava is ONLINE, try more until you get connected.
Put new Server JID at your control center: kbot499@jabber.ru

kBot and kerkava is OFFLINE, try later.
kBot is swithced OFF, please have patience for update.

kBot and kerkava is OFFLINE, switched OFF, wait for your safety.
kBot and kerkava is OFFLINE, changes to darkorbit, please wait for your safety.
kBot is OFFLINE, changes to darkorbit, please wait for your safety.

kBot and kerkava is OFFLINE, try to not spam me with mail like when will be online, just have patience.

kBot is OFFLINE, changes to darkorbit, please wait for your safety.
kBot USA, GARENA and ASIA, and kerkavaz are ONLINE

Who get error RUNTIME, delete kbotcc.exe and replace with this kbotcc.exe from kBot 4.91

Who get RUNTIME ERROR, install this reg file fix_control_center
** How to run new versions of kBot and kerkava (++ VIDEO ), click here **
You can order from every country you are, if you have questions contact me.
You can write in every language you know, english is based.

WARNING!! I am not responsible for other licenses, only for license buyed from www.bestbots.ro, be careful for scams.
The advice for how to avoid to being caught is only for customers from www.bestbots.ro, do not upload the file nowhere !! You get the risk to remain without license.
Don`t get fools by cracked bots, BIGPOINT change at least the codes from honey boxes (invisible bonus box), a bot who doesnt make UPDATES, is like you jump in their trap. Think for 10 times before you get the risk of being banned.

Why me ?
- we accept also PAYPAL payments and is easy for buying
- direct contact with Ivan
- fast responding
- fast activation of license
- support for any problems related to kbot and kerkva, or darkorbit (eg: advice for configuration bot in gates etc..)
- the customers from bestbots receive now secrets advice, and tips^tricks for best configuration for collecting, npc, galaxy gates. (english)
In addition is the safest bot on the market, just to know how to use it, you will receive that when you buy from here, and many others.., for more details about what is including the package of bot click here.

We have the best support worldwide country !!!!
A | Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | All country of ASIA and AFRICA
B | Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belize | Belgium | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Botswana | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi |
C | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | China: Hong Kong | China: Macau | China: Taiwan | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech Republic |
D | Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic |
E | East Timor | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia |
F | Fijii | Finland | France |
G | Gabon | The Gambia | Gaza Strip | Germany | Georgia | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana |
H | Haiti | Holy See (Vatican City) | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary |
I | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland (Eire) | Ireland (Northern) | Israel | Italy |
J | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan |
K | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea, North | Korea, South | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan |
L | Laos - | Latvia - | Lebanon - | Lesotho - | Liberia - | Libya - | Lithuania | Luxembourg - |
M | Macao | Macedonia | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco | Mexico | Mozambique | Myanmar (Burma) |
N | Namibia (1) | Nauru | Nepal (1) | Netherlands (11+5) | New Zealand (10) | Nicaragua | Niger (1) | Nigeria (1) | Norway (4) |
O | Oman (1) |
P | Panama | Peru | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Palau | Poland | Portugal |
Q | Qatar (1) |
R | Romania | Russia | Rwanda |
S | St. Kitts and Nevis - | Saint Lucia - | St. Vincent and the Grenadines - | Samoa (1) | San Marino - | São Tomé and Príncipe - | Saudi Arabia (1) | Senegal (2) | Serbia and Montenegro (2) | Seychelles - | Sierra Leone - | Singapore (4) | Slovakia (2) | Slovenia (2) | Solomon Islands - | Somalia - | South Africa (23) | Spain (3) | Sri Lanka (3) | Sudan (2) | Suriname - | Swaziland (1) | Sweden (10) | Switzerland (10) | Syria - |
T | Taiwan (28) | Tajikistan | Tanzania (2) | Togo | Thailand (2) | Trinidad and Tobago (1) | Tunisia (2) | Turkey (66) | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu |
U | Uganda (2) | Ukraine (8) | United Arab Emirates (1) | United Kingdom (72) | United States of America (317) | Uruguay (2) | Uzbekistan (1) | All country of USA (North America, South America)
V | Venezuela (3) | Vietnam (33) |
W | West Bank (3) | Western Sahara |
Y | Yemen | Yugoslavia now Serbia & Montenegro |
Z | Zaire now Congo, Democratic Republic of | Zambia (1) | Zimbabwe (1) | 
You are not alone !! SOLD OVER 13.000+ LICENSES FOR KBOT OR KERKAVA
Botting service now with CAPTCHA included !

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CONTEST: The bunny arrive at Happy Easter with a free
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The German reseller has copy-pasted our website and instructions,
don`t worry, we are still the best and will remain the best, Thank you !

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Put license key, see below
version kbot
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go to ---->  www.bestbots.ro
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